All Silver Partner benefits plus the following additional benefits.

  • Personal concierge support from our VP Development to personalize additional benefits to meet your needs.
  • Competitive placement of your brand in our ECMMA convention program and emails for maximum presence.
  • Exclusive opportunities to sponsor Keynote speakers and exclusive networking receptions for our convention.
  • Priority access to booth placement at our bi-annual convention with discounted booth fees.
  • One (1) branded social media post on ECMMA channels, including Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn during the length of your contract. Content must be educational and is subject to approval.
  • One (1) hosted webinar or One (1) full newsletter feature through ECMMA. This content will be made available free to our growing international membership with an option to be made available to non-members for a small additional fee. Content must be educational and is subject to approval.
  • Opportunity to extend your contract by one (1) calendar year at time of contract start at a discounted rate, protected from price increases the following year.